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This piece called coloc is comprised of two main points.
The first part is related to imagination and memories.
When I try to create something new I feel like all my thought patterns are connected to memories from the past. I experience this when trying to make a new drawing. During this process the colors that inspire me are based on colors that I have seen in paintings. So in the final result I depend on my previous knowledge of art and colors when making a new drawing.
In “coloc” I intend to visualize this phenomenon where my brain uses my “background color knowledge”.
The second part explores the attributes of pixels. Unlike pigments on a canvas, pixels do not converge but instead merge together, creating an image. When taking a closer look at an image, it is possible to see pixels as individual units.
In “coloc” two images can be used to individually interchange their pixels one by one. Once this exchange is complete the original image is still somewhat recognizable even though it is formed by new pixels. In the final result, all pixels have been exchanged.

coloc – Sunflowers and Monalisa

coloc – Girl With A Pearl Earring and Monalisa

coloc – interactive version -